//motor A connected between A01 and A02 //motor B connected between B01 and B02 // http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #include #include int STBY = 10; //standby //Motor A int PWMA = 3; //Speed control int AIN1 = 9; //Direction int AIN2 = 8; //Direction //Motor B int PWMB = 5; //Speed control int BIN1 = 11; //Direction int BIN2 = 12; //Direction int infoled = 13; //char ssid[] = "Chua Family"; //char passphrase[] = "chua2680"; WiFlyServer server(44); String readString = ""; String dir; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(STBY, OUTPUT); pinMode(PWMA, OUTPUT); pinMode(AIN1, OUTPUT); pinMode(AIN2, OUTPUT); pinMode(PWMB, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIN1, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIN2, OUTPUT); WiFly.setUart(&Serial); WiFly.begin(true); // if (!WiFly.join(ssid, passphrase)) { if (!WiFly.createAdHocNetwork("wifly")) { while (1) { // Hang on failure. digitalWrite(infoled, HIGH); delay(300); digitalWrite(infoled, LOW); delay(500); } } Serial.println(WiFly.ip()); server.begin(); } void loop() { WiFlyClient client = server.available(); if (client) { digitalWrite(infoled, HIGH); while (client.connected()) { if (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); // if (readString.length() < 100) { // readString += c; // } String d = (String) c; parseanddo(d); // client.println("LEEEEEEL: " + d); } } // give the web browser time to receive the data // delay(200); readString = ""; client.stop(); digitalWrite(infoled, LOW); } } void parseanddo(String incar) { if (incar == "g") { move(1, 220, 0); move(2, 140, 0); } else if (incar == "h") { move(1, 180, 1); move(2, 180, 1); } else { stop(); } } //void blink() { // // digitalWrite(infoled, HIGH); // delay(300); // digitalWrite(infoled, LOW); // delay(500); // digitalWrite(infoled, HIGH); // delay(300); // digitalWrite(infoled, LOW); // delay(500); // digitalWrite(infoled, HIGH); // delay(300); // digitalWrite(infoled, LOW); // delay(500); // digitalWrite(infoled, HIGH); // delay(300); // digitalWrite(infoled, LOW); // delay(500); // digitalWrite(infoled, HIGH); // delay(300); // digitalWrite(infoled, LOW); // delay(500); // //} void move(int motor, int speed, int direction){ //Move specific motor at speed and direction //motor: 0 for B 1 for A //speed: 0 is off, and 255 is full speed //direction: 0 clockwise, 1 counter-clockwise digitalWrite(STBY, HIGH); //disable standby boolean inPin1 = LOW; boolean inPin2 = HIGH; if(direction == 1){ inPin1 = HIGH; inPin2 = LOW; } if(motor == 1){ digitalWrite(AIN1, inPin1); digitalWrite(AIN2, inPin2); analogWrite(PWMA, speed); } else{ digitalWrite(BIN1, inPin1); digitalWrite(BIN2, inPin2); analogWrite(PWMB, speed); } } void stop(){ //enable standby digitalWrite(STBY, LOW); }