const { readFile, writeFile } = require('fs'); const { connect, createServer } = require('net'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { promisify } = require('util'); const { getCurrentWindow, dialog } = require('electron').remote; const DMP = require('diff-match-patch'); const { defaultValue, stepOne, stepServerTwo, stepServerThree, stepClientTwo, stepClientThree } = require('./strings.js'); // Setup code mirror = save; = open; const m = CodeMirror(document.body, { theme: 'tomorrow-night-eighties', keyMap: 'sublime', autofocus: true, lineNumbers: true, tabSize: 2, indentUnit: 2, indentWithTabs: true, extraKeys: { 'Cmd-O': 'open', 'Ctrl-O': 'open', 'Cmd-S': 'save', 'Ctrl-S': 'save', }, value: defaultValue + stepOne, }); m.on('change', change); // Simple APIs function setTitle(t) { console.log(t); document.querySelector('.title').innerText = t; } let filename = ''; async function loadFile(f) { const contents = await promisify(readFile)(f, { encoding: 'utf8' }); filename = f; m.setValue(contents); } async function save(e) { if (filename.length > 0) { setTitle('saving'); await promisify(writeFile)(filename, m.getValue(), { encoding: 'utf8' }); setTitle('saved'); setTimeout(() => setTitle(filename), 1000); } }; async function open(e) { if (mode === 'client' && !connected) { return await attemptConnect(); } if (mode === 'server' && !listening) { await attemptListen(); } setTitle('opening'); dialog.showOpenDialog(getCurrentWindow(), { properties: ['openFile'], }, async (f) => { await loadFile(f[0]); setTitle(f[0]); }); }; // editor changes let oldValue = ''; async function change(e) { if (!connected && !listening) { await validate(); } else { const newValue = m.getValue(); // send new for now const delta = dmp.patch_make(oldValue, newValue); if (oldValue === newValue) { return; } oldValue = newValue; await sendDelta(delta); } }; const dmp = new DMP(); async function getFirstDelta() { return dmp.patch_make('', m.getValue()); } async function applyDelta(delta) { const cursor = m.getCursor(); oldValue = dmp.patch_apply(delta, m.getValue())[0] m.setValue(oldValue); m.setCursor(cursor); } // config parser let mode = ''; let addr = ''; async function validate() { const value = m.getValue(); const matches = value.match(/\d\..*:.*$/gm); const values = => m.split(/: /).pop().trim() || ''); // Parse for inputs // mode if (values[0] !== mode) { if (values[0] === 'client' || values[0] === 'server') { mode = values[0]; const cursor = m.getCursor(); m.setValue( defaultValue + stepOne + mode + (mode === 'client' ? stepClientTwo : stepServerTwo) ); m.setCursor(cursor); } } // addr if (values[1] && values[1] !== addr && mode !== '') { if (validAddr(values[1])) { addr = values[1]; const cursor = m.getCursor(); m.setValue( defaultValue + stepOne + mode + (mode === 'client' ? stepClientTwo : stepServerTwo) + addr + (mode === 'client' ? stepClientThree : stepServerThree) ); m.setCursor(cursor); } } return values; } async function validAddr(addr) { if (typeof addr !== 'string') { return false; } const parts = addr.split(/:/); if (parts.length != 2) { return false; } const port = parseInt(parts[1]); return 1 <= port && port <= 65535; } // Socket APIs class Parser extends EventEmitter { constructor(readable) { super(); this.state = 'header'; this.header = {}; this.buf = Buffer.from([]); readable.on('data', (chunk) => { this.process(chunk); }); } process(chunk) { this.buf = Buffer.concat([this.buf, chunk]); if (this.state === 'header') { const until = chunk.indexOf('\n\n'); if (until > -1) { console.log('header'); this.header = this.parseHeader(this.buf.slice(0, until)); this.buf = this.buf.slice(until + 2); this.state = 'body'; } } if (this.state === 'body') { const contentLength = parseInt(this.header['Content-Length']); if (this.buf.length >= contentLength) { console.log('body', contentLength, this.buf); this.readContent(this.buf.slice(0, contentLength)); this.buf = this.buf.slice(contentLength); this.state = 'header'; } } } parseHeader(buf) { return buf .toString() .split(/\n/) .map(l => l.split(':')) .map(l => [l[0], l.slice(1).join(':')]) .filter(l => l[0].length > 0) .reduce((a, l) => ({ ...a, [l[0]]: l[1], }), {}); } readContent(buf) { this.emit('message', { header: this.header, body: JSON.parse(buf.toString()), }); this.emit('delta', JSON.parse(buf.toString())); } } function serialize(delta) { const json = JSON.stringify(delta); return 'Content-Length: ' + Buffer.from(json).length + '\n\n' + json; } // client let connected = false; let connection = null; async function attemptConnect() { setTitle('connecting'); const parts = addr.split(/:/); // connect performs a connection to a host + port connection = connect(parseInt(parts[1]), parts[0]); connection.on('connect', () => { connected = true; setTitle('connected'); m.setValue(''); }); connection.on('error', () => { setTitle('connection error!'); }); // set up a parser to read incoming deltas const parser = new Parser(connection); parser.on('delta', m => { // apply delta to editor applyDelta(m); }); } async function sendDelta(delta) { if (mode === 'server') { // send directly to server broadcast thing return await broadcastDelta(delta); } // send delta to server connection.write(serialize(delta)); } // server let listening = false; let server = null; let connections = []; function attemptListen() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTitle('setting up server'); // createServer() opens a TCP port to accept incoming connections server = createServer(); connections = []; server.on('connection', async (c) => { setTitle('new client connected'); setTimeout(() => setTitle(filename), 1000); // maintain a list of clients to do broadcasting later connections.push(c); // send the first update c.write(serialize(await getFirstDelta())); // setup incoming parser for deltas const parser = new Parser(c); parser.on('delta', async m => { // apply delta to editor applyDelta(m); broadcastDelta(m, c); }); }); server.on('error', (e) => { setTitle('can\'t start server, ' + e.code); reject(); }); //server.on('listening', () => { listening = true; setTitle('server ready'); // resolve(); //}); server.listen(parseInt(addr)); resolve(); }); } async function broadcastDelta(delta, omit) { await Promise.all( // for every connection that != omit, write data to the socket connections .filter(c => c !== omit) .map(async c => { try { c.write(serialize(delta)); } catch (e) { } }) ); }