import { get } from 'https'; import Router from 'express'; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import jwkToPem from 'jwk-to-pem'; import { WebError, UnknownError, UnauthenticatedError, NotFoundError, InvalidCredentialsError, BadRequestError } from './errors'; import { computeOccurrences } from './utils'; export default class API { constructor(database) { this.database = database; // Binds this.auth = this.auth.bind(this); // Router this.router = Router({ strict: true, }); this.router.use(bodyParser.json()); // Routes this.router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.end('API v1'); }); // Schools this.router.get('/schools/', (req, res, next) => { this.database.getSchools() .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.get('/schools/:school', (req, res, next) => { this.database.getSchoolWithAuth( .then((data) => { res.json(Object.assign(data, { auth: => Object.assign(a, { oid_csecret: undefined })), })); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.get('/schools/:school/oid/.well-known/openid-configuration', (req, res, next) => { this.database.getSchoolWithAuth( .then((data) => { // assume auth[0] exists const url = data.auth[0].oid_meta; if (url) { get(url, (d) => { d.pipe(res); }); } }) .catch(next); }); // Login'/schools/:school/login', (req, res, next) => { this.checkLogin(, req.body) .then((data) => { res.json(data); // TODO: generate and return token instead of user object }) .catch(next); }); // Users this.router.get('/schools/:school/users/', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.getUsers( .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.get('/schools/:school/users/:id', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.getUser(, .then((data) => { res.json(Object.assign(data, { pwd_hash: undefined, oid_id: undefined, })); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.get('/schools/:school/users/:id/groups', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.getUserGroups(, .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); }); // Groups this.router.get('/schools/:school/groups/', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.getGroups( .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); });'/schools/:school/groups/', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.createGroup(, req.body) .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.get('/schools/:school/groups/:id', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.getGroup(, .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); }); // Events'/schools/:school/groups/:group/eventsWeekly/', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.createEventWeekly(,, req.body) .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); });'/schools/:school/groups/:group/eventsOnce/', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.createEventOnce(,, req.body) .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.get('/schools/:school/groups/:group/eventsOnce/:id', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.getEventOnce(,, .then((data) => { res.json(data); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.get('/schools/:school/users/:id/events', this.auth, (req, res, next) => { this.database.getUserEventsBetween(,, req.query.start, req.query.end, ) .then((data) => { const eventsWeekly = computeOccurrences(data.eventsWeekly, req.query.start, req.query.end); res.json(data.eventsOnce .map(e => Object.assign({ type: 'once' }, e)) .concat(eventsWeekly) .map(e => Object.assign({ type: 'weekly' }, e))); }) .catch(next); }); this.router.use('/*', (req, res, next) => { next(new NotFoundError()); }); this.router.use(API.error); } auth(req, res, next) { // res.end('not implemented'); if (this.validate(req.get('FakeAuth'))) { req.user = { id: req.get('FakeID'), }; return next(); } return next(new UnauthenticatedError()); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this validate(token) { return !!token; } async checkLogin(school, options) { const checkLoginPassword = async () => { // TODO throw new InvalidCredentialsError('Not implemented'); }; const checkLoginToken = async (sch, token) => { const s = await this.database.getSchoolWithAuth(sch); const oidUrl = s.auth[0].oid_meta; if (!oidUrl) { throw new Error(); } const o = await fetch(oidUrl).then(res => res.json()); const jwksUrl = o.jwks_uri; const k = await fetch(jwksUrl).then(res => res.json()); const keys = k.keys; const verified = keys.reduce((a, key) => { try { return jwt.verify(token, jwkToPem(key), { algorithms: ['RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', 'ES256', 'ES384', 'ES512'], //ignoreExpiration: true, }); } catch (e) { return a; } }, null); if (!verified) { throw new InvalidCredentialsError('Token not verifiable'); } return verified; }; if (options.type === 'PWD') { // not used return this.database.getUserByEmail(school, .then(data => checkLoginPassword(data.pwd_hash, options.pwd) && data); } else if (options.type === 'OID') { // TODO: create user if user not found? no. return checkLoginToken(school, options.id_token) .then(data => this.database.getUserByEmail(school, data.upn)); } return new BadRequestError(); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars static error(err, req, res, next) { if (err instanceof WebError) { err.responseTo(res); } else if (err) { console.error(err); new UnknownError().responseTo(res); } next(); } }