Fork 0

55 lines
2.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Output configuration:
default_orientation vertical
set $output_mini "Philips Consumer Electronics Company Philips 19B4 UK51344100785"
set $output_left "Dell Inc. DELL P2719H 974YPS2"
set $output_right "Dell Inc. DELL P2719H DNJQPS2"
output $output_mini position 56 800 transform 270
output $output_left position 1080 0 transform 270
output $output_right position 2160 0 transform 90
2021-04-07 17:44:05 +08:00
output * bg ~/.wallpaper/daniel-j-schwarz-a4M-Vegh7Y4-unsplash.jpg fill
# Display controls:
# Remember to configure udev. See https://blog.tcharles.fr/ddc-ci-screen-control-on-linux/
set $monitor_global --noverify --sleep-multiplier 0.1
2021-03-23 20:40:22 +08:00
set $monitor_mini --bus 0
set $monitor_left --bus 5
set $monitor_right --bus 6
# Display source controls:
mode "monitor" {
# switch the left display to DisplayPort
bindsym F1 exec ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_left setvcp 0x60 0x0f
# switch the left display to VGA
bindsym F3 exec ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_left setvcp 0x60 0x01
2021-03-23 20:40:22 +08:00
# switch the right display to DisplayPort
bindsym F2 exec ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_right setvcp 0x60 0x0f
# switch the right display to VGA
bindsym F4 exec ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_right setvcp 0x60 0x01
# switch both displays to DisplayPort
bindsym F5 exec (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_left setvcp 0x60 0x0f) & (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_right setvcp 0x60 0x0f)
# switch both displays to VGA
bindsym F6 exec (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_left setvcp 0x60 0x01) & (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_right setvcp 0x60 0x01)
# return to default mode
2021-03-23 20:40:22 +08:00
bindsym Pause mode "default"
2021-03-23 20:40:22 +08:00
bindsym Pause mode "monitor"
# Display brightness controls:
set $monitor_brightness_step 0x0a
set $monitor_mini_brightness_step 0x03
bindsym --locked $mod+F11 exec (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_left setvcp 0x10 - $monitor_brightness_step) & (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_right setvcp 0x10 - $monitor_brightness_step) & (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_mini setvcp 0x10 - $monitor_mini_brightness_step)
bindsym --locked $mod+F12 exec (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_left setvcp 0x10 + $monitor_brightness_step) & (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_right setvcp 0x10 + $monitor_brightness_step) & (ddcutil $monitor_global $monitor_mini setvcp 0x10 + $monitor_mini_brightness_step)
# Media controls:
bindsym $mod+p exec "playerctl play-pause"
# vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 et