Fork 0

Add chunkwmrc and incomplete skhdrc
the build failed Details

Ambrose Chua 2018-10-31 21:23:22 +08:00
parent 77b8f46b04
commit 15b25f17eb
2 changed files with 177 additions and 0 deletions

.chunkwmrc Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# NOTE: specify the absolutepath to the directory to use when
# loading a plugin. '~' expansion is supported.
chunkc core::plugin_dir ~/.chunkwm_plugins
# NOTE: if enabled, chunkwm will monitor the specified plugin_dir
# and automatically reload any '.so' file that is changed.
chunkc core::hotload 1
# NOTE: The following are config variables for the chunkwm-tiling plugin
chunkc set global_desktop_mode bsp
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_top 20
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_bottom 20
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_left 20
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_right 20
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_gap 12
chunkc set 4_desktop_offset_top 64
chunkc set 4_desktop_offset_bottom 64
chunkc set 4_desktop_offset_left 64
chunkc set 4_desktop_offset_right 64
chunkc set 4_desktop_offset_gap 16
chunkc set 5_desktop_offset_top 64
chunkc set 5_desktop_offset_bottom 64
chunkc set 5_desktop_offset_left 64
chunkc set 5_desktop_offset_right 64
chunkc set 5_desktop_offset_gap 16
chunkc set desktop_padding_step_size 10.0
chunkc set desktop_gap_step_size 5.0
chunkc set bsp_spawn_left 1
chunkc set bsp_optimal_ratio 1.618
chunkc set bsp_split_mode optimal
chunkc set bsp_split_ratio 0.5
chunkc set window_focus_cycle monitor
chunkc set mouse_follows_focus 1
chunkc set window_float_next 0
chunkc set window_float_center 1
chunkc set window_region_locked 1
# signal dock to make windows topmost when floated
# requires chwm-sa (https://github.com/koekeishiya/chwm-sa)
chunkc set window_float_topmost 0
# NOTE: The following are config variables for the chunkwm-border plugin
#chunkc set focused_border_color 0xffc0b18b
chunkc set focused_border_color 0x00ffffff
chunkc set focused_border_width 4
chunkc set focused_border_radius 4
chunkc set focused_border_skip_floating 0
# NOTE: specify plugins to load when chunkwm starts.
# enable reset
chunkc core::unload tiling.so
chunkc core::unload ffm.so
chunkc core::unload border.so
chunkc core::load tiling.so
chunkc core::load ffm.so
chunkc core::load border.so
chunkc tiling::rule --owner \"System Preferences\" --state float
chunkc tiling::rule --owner Dash --state float
#chunkc tiling::rule --owner Finder --name Copy --state float
# NOTE: if chunkc plugin_dir is not set, the absolutepath is necessary.
# chunkc core::load ~/.chunkwm_plugins/tiling.so
# chunkc core::load ~/.chunkwm_plugins/ffm.so
# chunkc core::load ~/.chunkwm_plugins/border.so

.skhdrc Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# Basics:
# start a terminal
alt - return : ~/.local/bin/open-iterm
# start your launcher
# configure spotlight to use alt - d
# reload skhd configuration file
alt + shift - c : skhd reload
# reload chunkwm
alt + shift - e : ~/.chunkwmrc
# Moving around:
# Move your focus around
alt - h : chunkc tiling::window --focus west
alt - j : chunkc tiling::window --focus south
alt - k : chunkc tiling::window --focus north
alt - l : chunkc tiling::window --focus east
# or use $mod+[up|down|left|right]
alt - left : chunkc tiling::window --focus west
alt - down : chunkc tiling::window --focus south
alt - up : chunkc tiling::window --focus north
alt - right : chunkc tiling::window --focus east
# Move the focused window with the same, but add Shift
alt + shift - h : chunkc tiling::window --warp west
alt + shift - j : chunkc tiling::window --warp south
alt + shift - k : chunkc tiling::window --warp north
alt + shift - l : chunkc tiling::window --warp east
# ditto, with arrow keys
alt + shift - left : chunkc tiling::window --warp west
alt + shift - down : chunkc tiling::window --warp south
alt + shift - up : chunkc tiling::window --warp north
alt + shift - right : chunkc tiling::window --warp east
# Workspaces:
# Layout stuff:
# You can "split" the current object of your focus...
alt - b : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point south
alt - v : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point east
# Alternatively, set split with
alt + ctrl - h : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point west
alt + ctrl - j : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point south
alt + ctrl - k : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point north
alt + ctrl - l : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point east
# Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode
alt + shift - space : chunkc tiling::window --toggle float
# Scratchpad:
# Resizing containers:
#:: default : chunkc border::color 0xdc322f00
#:: resize @ : chunkc border::color 0xaadc322f
#alt - r ; resize
#resize < alt - r ; default # TODO: escape