# env [![Build Status](https://ci.makerforce.io/api/badges/ambrose/env/status.svg)](https://ci.makerforce.io/ambrose/env) Just storing dotfiles in a repository isn't enough. This is almost all the tools I use, put into a Docker image that I can run anywhere ## Screenshots ![](.local/screenshots/iterm1.png) ![](.local/screenshots/iterm2.png) ![](.local/screenshots/iterm3.png) ![](.local/screenshots/iterm4.png) ![](.local/screenshots/iterm5.png) ## Usage ### Docker ```sh export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" curl -fLo ~/.local/bin/runenv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serverwentdown/env/master/.local/bin/runenv chmod +x ~/.local/bin/runenv runenv -h ``` ### macOS ```sh brew install \ xz upx \ \ zsh-autosuggestions \ zsh-syntax-highlighting \ exa jq \ neovim \ \ git \ pass gnupg \ \ python@3.9 \ go \ \ thefuck \ httpie \ dust \ yadm \ \ kubectl \ minio/stable/mc yadm clone git@github.com:serverwentdown/env.git ``` ## Optional ```sh # requires private key yadm decrypt # requires yadm decrypt git clone git@makerforce.io:ambrose/pass.git ~/.password-store ```