#!/bin/bash # Clipboard History # Jason Tokoph (jason@tokoph.net) # jtokoph # Tracks up to 10 clipboard items. # 1.0 # Clicking on a previous item will copy it back to the clipboard. # Clicking "Clear history" will remove history files from the filesystem. # Hack for language not being set properly and unicode support export LANG="${LANG:-en_US.UTF-8}" tmp_dir="/tmp/bitbar-clipboard-history_$USER" # Make sure temporary directory exists mkdir -p "$tmp_dir" &> /dev/null # If user clicked on a history item, copy it back to the clipboard if [[ "$1" = "copy" ]]; then if [[ -e "$tmp_dir/item-$2.pb" ]]; then pbcopy < "$tmp_dir/item-$2.pb" osascript -e "display notification \"Copied to Clipboard\" with title \"BitBar Clipboard History\"" &> /dev/null fi exit fi # If user clicked clear, remove history items if [[ "$1" = "clear" ]]; then rm -f "$tmp_dir"/item-*.pb osascript -e "display notification \"Cleared clipboard history\" with title \"BitBar Clipboard History\"" &> /dev/null exit fi CLIPBOARD=$(pbpaste) # Check to see if we have text on the clipboard if [ "$CLIPBOARD" != "" ]; then # Check if the current clipboard content is differnt from the previous echo "$CLIPBOARD" | diff "$tmp_dir/item-current.pb" - &> /dev/null # If so, the diff command will exit wit a non-zero status # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then # Move the history backwards for i in {9..1} do j=$((i+1)) if [ -e "$tmp_dir/item-$i.pb" ]; then cp "$tmp_dir/item-$i.pb" "$tmp_dir/item-$j.pb" &> /dev/null fi done # Move the previous value into the history cp "$tmp_dir/item-current.pb" "$tmp_dir/item-1.pb" &> /dev/null # Save current value echo "$CLIPBOARD" > "$tmp_dir/item-current.pb" fi fi # Print icon echo '✄' echo "---" # Print up to 36 characters of the current clipboard echo "Current" content="$(pbpaste | head -c 36)" if (( $(pbpaste | wc -c) > 36 )); then content="$content..." fi echo "${content//|/ }" # Show history section if historical files exist if [[ -e "$tmp_dir/item-1.pb" ]]; then echo "---" echo 'History (Click to copy)' # Print up to 36 characters of each historical item for i in {1..10} do if [ -e "$tmp_dir/item-$i.pb" ]; then content="$(head -c 36 "$tmp_dir/item-$i.pb")" if (( $(wc -c "$tmp_dir/item-$i.pb" | awk '{print $1}') > 36 )); then content="$content..." fi echo "${content//|/ }|bash='$0' param1=copy param2=$i refresh=true terminal=false" fi done echo "---" echo "Clear History |bash='$0' param1=clear refresh=true terminal=false " fi