# New OS Layout I wanted a new layout for macOS and Fedora to share the same home directory, so here I am using ZFS on Linux and ZFS on macOS side by side. ## Experiment 1: Shared ZFS Home I set up a very typical ZFS mount with encryption and compression, then quickly came to realise that I can't mount at different folders for each OS separately without using legacy mounts. So, I resorted to symlinks: ``` ~ ❯ ls -lah /home total 12K drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4.0K Oct 30 15:59 . dr-xr-xr-x. 21 root root 4.0K Oct 30 16:45 .. lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 19 Oct 30 01:26 ambrose -> /dpool/home/ambrose drwx------. 14 cooladmin cooladmin 4.0K Oct 30 02:13 cooladmin ~ ❯ sudo zfs list [sudo] password for ambrose: NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT dpool 11.7G 89.0G 520K /dpool dpool/home 11.7G 89.0G 456K /dpool/home dpool/home/ambrose 11.7G 89.0G 11.7G /dpool/home/ambrose tankpool 14.9G 3.50T 858K /tankpool [other tankpool mounts omitted] ``` This worked fine, until I realised that Fedora's tool `toolbox` doesn't deal with symlinked home directories. Instead, because it resolves the canonical folder of the home directory, it does not properly mount `/home/ambrose` into `/home/ambrose` but mounts `/dpool/home/ambrose` into `/dpool/home/ambrose` Also, I found that Fedora Silverblue has a symlink from `/home` to `/var/home` where the actual home folder is mounted, following conventions. This is neat, I'm going to see if I can use this as a mount point. ## Experiment 2: Moved Mountpoint to /var/home TODO