# # Workspaces # workspace 1 output "Unknown PL270 0000000000001" workspace 2 output "Unknown PL270 0000000000001" workspace 3 output "Unknown PL270 0000000000001" workspace 4 output "Unknown PL270 0000000000001" workspace 8 output "Apple Computer Inc Color LCD 0x00000000" workspace 9 output "Apple Computer Inc Color LCD 0x00000000" # Select back old workspace workspace 1 # # Wallpaper configuration # output "Unknown PL270 0000000000001" bg ~/.wallpaper/default.jpg fill # # Output configuration # default_orientation horizontal output "Unknown PL270 0000000000001" position 0 0 transform 90 output "Apple Computer Inc Color LCD 0x00000000" position 2160 1800 transform 0 scale 1.5 # # Controls # # Remember to configure udev. See https://blog.tcharles.fr/ddc-ci-screen-control-on-linux/ bindsym --locked Alt+XF86AudioLowerVolume exec "ddcutil setvcp --model PL270 0x10 - 0x0a" bindsym --locked Alt+XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec "ddcutil setvcp --model PL270 0x10 + 0x0a" # # Scroll tweaks # input * { scroll_factor 4 } # # Switch configuration # # This is so crazy performant that I did not notice it worked. Was expecting my main display to go blank for a while but it didn't even flash set $laptop "Apple Computer Inc Color LCD 0x00000000" bindswitch --reload --locked lid:on output $laptop disable bindswitch --reload --locked lid:off output $laptop enable # vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 et