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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
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<meta name="keywords" content="ambc, eyesoff, youtube, speech, voice" />
<meta name="application-name" content="EyesOff" />
<meta name="author" content="Ambrose Chua Chi Meng (AmbC)" />
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
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2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
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2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
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2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
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2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
<div id="intro">
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
<h1>Project EyesOff - Purely client-side! </h1>
<p>Inspired by <b>'No screen at night! '</b>, we give you <b>Project EyesOff</b>! It is a service that allows you to surf YouTube and listen to music via voice recognition and speech. Powered by <b>Google Chrome's buit-in voice input</b> and <b>Google Translate's text to speech</b>, you can ensure it will give you the best possible results. It only works on Google Chrome. <a href="http://wp.me/p2q22L-2x">On my blog</a>. </p>
<div class="coolbox nextpg">Go on...</div><br /><br />
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
<div id="appa">
2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
<h1 id="searchhead">Type <del id="showmewhy">or say</del> your search query</h1>
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
<form action="#" id="search">
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
<input type="text" id="searchbox" class="coolbox" value="Search..." x-webkit-speech="x-webkit-speech" onwebkitspeechchange='$("#search").submit();' />
2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
<input type="submit" class="coolbox" value="Search" />
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
<div id="appb">
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
<h1 id="searchhead">Here are your results</h1>
<form action="#" id="toolsa">
<input type="text" id="toolsabox" class="coolbox" value="Command..." x-webkit-speech="x-webkit-speech" onwebkitspeechchange='$("#toolsa").submit();' />
<input type="submit" class="coolbox" value="Do" />
<div id="results">
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
<div id="brightness" class="coolbox">Turn down brightness</div>
<audio id="player">
<source src="" type="audio/mp3">
</audio> -->
<iframe id="playerframe" src="" title="This is the player"></iframe>
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.xmlns.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="http://raw.github.com/kvz/phpjs/master/functions/var/var_dump.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="http://raw.github.com/hiddentao/google-tts/master/google-tts.min.js"></script> -->
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
// var tts = new GoogleTTS('en-GB');
function playnow(ttsstr) { // HOW TO USE: PUT playnow(fileid);
type: 'GET',
url: 'tts.php?q='+ttsstr,
success: ttsdone
function ttsdone(data, status){
$("#player source").attr("src", data);
var audio = $("#player")[0];
$("#playerframe").attr("src", "http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=en&q="+ttsstr);
function getXmlDOMFromString(xmlStr){
if (window.ActiveXObject && window.GetObject) {
var dom = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
return dom;
if (window.DOMParser){
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlStr,'text/xml');
throw new Error( 'No XML parser available' );
if (ifspeech != undefined) {
// $("#searchhead").html('Type <sup class="headsup">(Voice search is not supported in your browser, we recommend <a target="_blank" href="http://chrome.google.com/">Google Chrome</a>)</sup> your search query');
$("#searchhead").html('Type or say your search query <sup class="headsup">(Yay! Your browser supports speech input! )</sup>');
$("#brightness").click(function() {
if ($(this).html()=="Turn down brightness") {
$("body").css("opacity", "0.3");
$(this).html("Turn up brightness");
} else {
$("body").css("opacity", "1");
$(this).html("Turn down brightness");
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
$(".nextpg").click(function() {
$("#intro").fadeOut("slow").css("display", "none");
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
$("#appa").fadeIn("slow").css("display", "block");
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
if (ifspeech == undefined) {
playnow("please type your search query");
} else {
playnow("please type or say your search query");
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
$("#searchbox, #toolsabox").focus(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "Search..." || $(this).val() == "Command...") {
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
$(this).css("color", "#fff");
2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
$("#searchbox").blur(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "") {
$(this).css("color", "#aaa");
2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
$("#search").submit(function() {
2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
// ask youtube.com
// http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=skateboarding+dog&start-index=0&max-results=10&v=2&key=AI39si6YeaDRSECPlD-FPnLV2r1T8rt6GHxYePHc94KTWRKgu3PnVMPmOaM0bISMORXolzcHLR7sCzCcN5K38carFyUTCH8jSg
// api: AI39si6YeaDRSECPlD-FPnLV2r1T8rt6GHxYePHc94KTWRKgu3PnVMPmOaM0bISMORXolzcHLR7sCzCcN5K38carFyUTCH8jSg
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
playnow("serching youtube for "+$("#searchbox").val());
type: 'GET',
url: 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q='+$("#searchbox").val()+'&start-index=1&max-results=20&v=2&key=AI39si6YeaDRSECPlD-FPnLV2r1T8rt6GHxYePHc94KTWRKgu3PnVMPmOaM0bISMORXolzcHLR7sCzCcN5K38carFyUTCH8jSg',
dataType: "xml",
success: exception
function exception(data, status){
// datadb = data;
// alert(data+" - lol");
// xml = $.parseXML(data);
// var xmlData = getXmlDOMFromString(data);
// alert($(doc).find("entry"));
//alert($(data).find("entry"));// .find("title").text());
// $.xmlns.media = "media:";
$("#results").html("<div style='text-align: center;' id='loadingimg'><img src='loading.gif' /></div>");
$("#appa").fadeOut("slow").css("display", "none");
$("#appb").fadeIn("slow").css("display", "block");
$(data).find("entry").each(function(index, domele) {
var appstr='<a href="'+$(this).find("player:first").attr("url")+'">#'+(index+1)+' : <div class="result"><img src="'+$(this).find("thumbnail:eq(1)").attr("url")+'" /><h1>'+$(this).find("title:first").text()+'</h1><span>'+$(this).find("description:first").text()+'</span></div></a>';
playnow("here are your results");
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
return false;
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
$("#searchbox").bind("onwebkitspeechchange", function() { // doesn't work, on doesn't work
2012-11-24 17:27:14 +08:00
2012-11-26 07:54:53 +08:00
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
$("#showmewhy").click(function() {
$("#searchhead").html('Type <del id="showmewhy">or say</del> your search query <sup class="headsup">(Speech input is not supported in your browser, we recommend <a target="_blank" href="http://chrome.google.com/">Google Chrome</a>)</sup>');
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00
2012-11-24 16:25:43 +08:00
2012-11-22 08:59:52 +08:00