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2016-10-09 13:55:47 +08:00
# file-manager
A basic node.js file manager.
## Features
- [x] Directory browsing
- [x] Filesize
- [ ] Permissions
- [ ] Owner
- [x] Folder creation
- [x] File uploads
- [ ] Bulk file uploads
- [ ] File/folder renaming
- [x] Bulk file/folder selection
- [x] Delete
- [x] Download archive
- [ ] Change permissions
## Usage
git clone https://github.com/ambrosechua/file-manager.git ~/path/to/file-manager
node ~/path/to/file-manager/index.js
# or
npm i -g https://github.com/ambrosechua/file-manager.git
## Options
Options are currently only suppliable via ENV variables.
### PORT=<port>
Listen on <port>
### KEY=<key>
Setting this variable enables authentication using
TOTP (RFC6238). <key> is a base32 encoded shared
secret. This key is only a weak means of protection
as it is succeptable to brute-force. You can generate
one from [here](http://www.xanxys.net/totp/) or manually.