Fork 0

869 lines
19 KiB

var socket = io.connect();
var KEYCODES = {
* The most common keycodes defined by :
* @type {Object.}
* @const
// KEYMAP : {
STRG: 17,
CTRL: 17,
CTRLR: 18,
SHIFT: 16,
ENTER: 13,
ALT: 18,
ALTR: 17,
SPACE: 32,
WIN: 91,
MAC: 91,
FN: null,
UP: 38,
DOWN: 40,
LEFT: 37,
RIGHT: 39,
ESC: 27,
DEL: 46,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
// },
* @type {Object.}
* @const
'backspace' : '8',
'tab' : '9',
'enter' : '13',
'shift' : '16',
'ctrl' : '17',
'alt' : '18',
'pause_break' : '19',
'caps_lock' : '20',
'escape' : '27',
'page_up' : '33',
'page down' : '34',
'end' : '35',
'home' : '36',
'left_arrow' : '37',
'up_arrow' : '38',
'right_arrow' : '39',
'down_arrow' : '40',
'insert' : '45',
'delete' : '46',
'0' : '48',
'1' : '49',
'2' : '50',
'3' : '51',
'4' : '52',
'5' : '53',
'6' : '54',
'7' : '55',
'8' : '56',
'9' : '57',
'a' : '65',
'b' : '66',
'c' : '67',
'd' : '68',
'e' : '69',
'f' : '70',
'g' : '71',
'h' : '72',
'i' : '73',
'j' : '74',
'k' : '75',
'l' : '76',
'm' : '77',
'n' : '78',
'o' : '79',
'p' : '80',
'q' : '81',
'r' : '82',
's' : '83',
't' : '84',
'u' : '85',
'v' : '86',
'w' : '87',
'x' : '88',
'y' : '89',
'z' : '90',
'left_window key' : '91',
'right_window key' : '92',
'select_key' : '93',
'numpad 0' : '96',
'numpad 1' : '97',
'numpad 2' : '98',
'numpad 3' : '99',
'numpad 4' : '100',
'numpad 5' : '101',
'numpad 6' : '102',
'numpad 7' : '103',
'numpad 8' : '104',
'numpad 9' : '105',
'multiply' : '106',
'add' : '107',
'subtract' : '109',
'decimal point' : '110',
'divide' : '111',
'f1' : '112',
'f2' : '113',
'f3' : '114',
'f4' : '115',
'f5' : '116',
'f6' : '117',
'f7' : '118',
'f8' : '119',
'f9' : '120',
'f10' : '121',
'f11' : '122',
'f12' : '123',
'num_lock' : '144',
'scroll_lock' : '145',
'semi_colon' : '186',
'equal_sign' : '187',
'comma' : '188',
'dash' : '189',
'period' : '190',
'forward_slash' : '191',
'grave_accent' : '192',
'open_bracket' : '219',
'backslash' : '220',
'closebracket' : '221',
'single_quote' : '222'
// }
var sounds = {};
// Fix up prefixing
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var context = new AudioContext();
// var mastergain = context.createGainNode();
var mastergain = context.createGain();
mastergain.gain.value = 1;
binded = [];
function bindkey(strkey, verbal, action, keyup) {
var l = false;
binded.forEach(function (existing) {
if (existing.action == action) {
l = true;
existing = {
keystr: strkey,
keyid: KEYCODES[strkey],//.toLowerCase()],
action: action,
verbal: verbal,
keyup: keyup
return false;
if (!l) {
keystr: strkey,
keyid: KEYCODES[strkey],//.toLowerCase()],
action: action,
verbal: verbal,
keyup: keyup
window.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
binded.forEach(function (keybind) {
if (e.which == keybind.keyid) {
if (keybind.preventRepeat != true) {
document.querySelector("td[data-key='" + keybind.keystr + "']").classList.add("active");
if (!keybind.keyup) {
setTimeout(function () {
[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll("td[data-key]"), function (ele) {
}, 300);
keybind.preventRepeat = true;
return false;
}, false);
window.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
binded.forEach(function (keybind) {
if (e.which == keybind.keyid) {
keybind.preventRepeat = false;
if (keybind.keyup) {
[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll("td[data-key]"), function (ele) {
return false;
}, false);
// window.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
// document.querySelectorAll("td").forEach(function (ele) {
// ele.classList.remove("active");
// });
// }, false);
var lengthInSamples = 4 * context.sampleRate;
noiseBuffer = context.createBuffer( 1, lengthInSamples, context.sampleRate );
var bufferData = noiseBuffer.getChannelData( 0 );
for (var i = 0; i < lengthInSamples; ++i) {
bufferData[i] = (2*Math.random() - 1); // -1 to +1
// var shiftrate = 0.25;
var shiftrate = 0.1;
var movegaintoint = null;
function movegainto(val, changeslider) {
val = Math.round(val * 1000) / 1000;
movegaintoint = null;
movegaintoint = setInterval(function () {
mastergain.gain.value += (val - mastergain.gain.value) * shiftrate;
// mastergain.gain.value = Math.round(mastergain.gain.value * 1000) / 1000;
document.querySelector("#gainval").innerHTML = mastergain.gain.value;
if (changeslider == true) {
document.querySelector("#gainctrl").value = mastergain.gain.value;
if (Math.round(mastergain.gain.value * 1000) / 1000 == val) {
mastergain.gain.value = val;
movegaintoint = null;
}, 100);
// document.querySelector("#gainctrl").addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {
// movegainto(e.target.value);
// }, false);
document.querySelector("#gainctrl").addEventListener("change", function (e) {
movegainto(e.target.value, true);
}, false);
document.querySelector("#reset").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
movegainto(1, true);
}, true);
// document.querySelector("#gainctrl").addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {
// mastergain.gain.value = e.target.value;
// document.querySelector("#gainval").innerHTML = mastergain.gain.value;
// }, false);
// document.querySelector("#gainctrl").addEventListener("change", function (e) {
// mastergain.gain.value = e.target.value;
// document.querySelector("#gainval").innerHTML = mastergain.gain.value;
// }, false);
// document.querySelector("#reset").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
// document.querySelector("#gainctrl").value = 1;
// mastergain.gain.value = document.querySelector("#gainctrl").value;
// document.querySelector("#gainval").innerHTML = mastergain.gain.value;
// }, true);
// setInterval(function () {
// mastergain.gain.value = document.querySelector("#gainctrl").value;
// document.querySelector("#gainval").innerHTML = document.querySelector("#gainctrl").value;
// }, 200);
function loadsound(idname, url, gain) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', url, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
sounds[idname] = {
url: url,
buffer: null,
id: idname,
gain: gain,
play: function () {
playsound(this.buffer, this.gain);
bindkey: function (key) {
bindkey(key, idname);
// Decode asynchronously
request.onload = function () {
context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer) {
sounds[idname].buffer = buffer;
}, function (e) {
var nowplaying = [];
function playsound(buffer, gain) {
// var volume = context.createGainNode();
var volume = context.createGain();
volume.gain.value = gain;
var source = context.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
// source.connect(context.destination);
setTimeout(function () {
// }, 50);
}, 150);
source.onended = function () {
nowplaying.splice(tostop.indexOf(source), 1);
return source;
function stopall() {
nowplaying.forEach(function (src) {
nowplaying = [];
function updatekeys() {
var ht = "<table><tr><th>key</th><th>verbal</th><th>action</th><!-- <th>url</th> --></tr>";
binded.forEach(function (keybind) {
// ht += "<tr><td>" + keybind.keystr + "</td><td>" + keybind.verbal + "</td><td>" + keybind.action + "</tr>"; // <!-- <td>" + sounds[keybind.sound].url + "</td> --></tr>";
ht += "<tr><td data-key='" + keybind.keystr + "'>" + keybind.keystr + "</td><td>" + keybind.verbal + "</td><td>" + "hmmm..." + "</tr>"; // <!-- <td>" + sounds[keybind.sound].url + "</td> --></tr>";
ht += "</table>";
document.querySelector("#keys").innerHTML = ht;
// var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input");
// for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
// inputs[i].addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
// e.stopPropagation();
// }, false);
// }
// document.querySelector("#binder").addEventListener("submit", function (e) {
// e.preventDefault();
// var name = document.querySelector("#name").value;
// var file = document.querySelector("#file").value;
// var key = document.querySelector("#key").value;
// loadsound(name, file);
// bindkey(key, name);
// updatekeys();
// }, false);
var toload = [
name: "waves",
verbal: "back: Beach Waves",
file: "beach.wav",
key: "comma",
gain: 0.2
name: "z-see",
verbal: "back: See",
file: "z-see.wav",
key: "period",
gain: 0.6
name: "z-what",
verbal: "back: What",
file: "z-what.wav",
key: "forward_slash",
gain: 0.5
// {
// name: "b5c",
// verbal: "back: Darkness (Long)",
// file: "b5c.wav",
// key: "3",
// gain: 0.5
// },
name: "car1",
verbal: "Car Nearer",
file: "car21.wav",
key: "q",
gain: 0.7
name: "crash1",
verbal: "Car Crash",
file: "crash.wav",
key: "p",
gain: 2
// {
// name: "carstarting",
// verbal: "Car Starting",
// file: "carstart.wav",
// key: "a",
// gain: 2
// },
name: "car2",
verbal: "Car Leaving",
file: "car2.wav",
key: "l",
gain: 0.5
name: "emptyrevolver",
verbal: "Empty Revolver",
file: ["erevolver1.wav"],
key: "m",
gain: 1.8
name: "revolver",
verbal: "Revolver",
file: ["revolver1.wav", "revolver2.wav", "revolver3.wav", "revolver4.wav", "revolver5.wav", "revolver6.wav"],
key: "n",
gain: 1.25
// {
// name: "fire",
// verbal: "Fire",
// file: ["fire1.wav", "fire2.wav", "fire3.wav", "fire4.wav"],
// key: "n",
// gain: 1
// },
// {
// name: "reload",
// verbal: "Reload",
// file: "firereload.wav",
// key: "b",
// gain: 1
// },
name: "revolvercock",
verbal: "Revolver Cock",
file: "revolvercock.wav",
key: "b",
gain: 1.2
name: "cuff",
verbal: "Cuffs",
file: "cuff.wav",
key: "c",
gain: 1
// {
// name: "scream1",
// verbal: "Scream 1",
// file: "scream1.wav",
// key: "h",
// gain: 0.5
// },
// {
// name: "scream2",
// verbal: "Scream 2",
// file: "scream2.wav",
// key: "j",
// gain: 1
// },
name: "asiren",
verbal: "Ambulance Siren",
file: "siren.wav",
key: "z",
gain: 1
name: "policesrien",
verbal: "Police Srien",
file: "policesiren.wav",
key: "x",
gain: 1
// {
// name: "cardooropen",
// verbal: "Car Door Open",
// file: "cardooropen.wav",
// key: "t",
// gain: 1
// },
// {
// name: "cardoorclose",
// verbal: "Car Door Close",
// file: "cardoorclose.wav",
// key: "y",
// gain: 1
// },
name: "doorknocks",
verbal: "Door Knocks (three)",
file: "threeknocks.wav",
key: "u",
gain: 1.5
name: "explosion",
verbal: "Explosion",
file: "explosion.wav",
key: "e",
gain: 2.5
name: "ringtone",
verbal: "Ringtone",
file: "ringtone.wav",
key: "i",
gain: 1
// {
// name: "beep",
// verbal: "Beep",
// file: "beep2.wav",
// key: "w",
// gain: 2
// },
toload.forEach(function (obj) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj.file) === '[object Array]') {
obj.file.forEach(function (str, i) {
loadsound(obj.name + i, str, obj.gain);
bindkey(obj.key, obj.verbal, function () {
var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * obj.file.length);
sounds[obj.name + i].play();
// console.log(i);
else {
loadsound(obj.name, obj.file, obj.gain);
bindkey(obj.key, obj.verbal, function () {
var explosionbeepgain = 0.5, beepslow, beepmedium, beepfast, beepxfast;
bindkey("s", "Beep Slow", function () {
playiso(2000, 50, 0, beepgain, "sine");
beepslow = setInterval(function () {
playiso(2000, 50, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 2000);
}, function () {
bindkey("d", "Beep Medium", function () {
playiso(2000, 50, 0, beepgain, "sine");
beepmedium = setInterval(function () {
playiso(2000, 50, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 500);
}, function () {
bindkey("f", "Beep Fast", function () {
playiso(2000, 50, 0, beepgain, "sine");
beepfast = setInterval(function () {
playiso(2000, 50, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 200);
}, function () {
bindkey("g", "Beep Extrafast", function () {
beepxfast = playiso(2000, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, function () {
var noiseSource;
bindkey("equal_sign", "Noise", function () {
noiseSource = playsound(noiseBuffer, 0.1);
}, function () {
var busytone1, busytone2;
// American
// bindkey("dash", "Busy", function () {
// playiso(480, 500, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// playiso(620, 500, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// busytone = setInterval(function () {
// playiso(480, 500, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// playiso(620, 500, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, 1000);
// }, function () {
// clearInterval(busytone);
// });
// British
// bindkey("dash", "Busy", function () {
// playiso(400, 375, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// busytone = setInterval(function () {
// playiso(400, 375, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, 750);
// }, function () {
// clearInterval(busytone);
// });
// Singapore
// bindkey("dash", "Busy", function () {
// playiso(400, 125, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// setTimeout(function () {
// playiso(400, 125, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, 250);
// setTimeout(function () {
// playiso(400, 125, 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, 500);
// });
// Manual
bindkey("dash", "Busy", function () {
busytone1 = playiso(400, "callback", 0, 0.15, "sine");
// busytone2 = playiso(400, "callback", 0, 0.05, "square");
}, function () {
// busytone2();
var tones = [];
var beepgain = 0.15;
bindkey("open_bracket", "Dial Stolen Stone Phone", function () {
playiso(1477, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(852, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
setTimeout(function () {
playiso(1209, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(697, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 200);
setTimeout(function () {
playiso(1336, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(697, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 402);
setTimeout(function () {
playiso(1209, 160, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(697, 160, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 600);
setTimeout(function () {
playiso(1336, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(941, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 800);
setTimeout(function () {
playiso(1336, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(941, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 990);
setTimeout(function () {
playiso(1209, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(852, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 1223);
setTimeout(function () {
playiso(1209, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
playiso(852, 150, 0, beepgain, "sine");
}, 1392);
// bindkey("dash", "Dial 1", function () {
// tones[0] = [];
// tones[0][0] = playiso(1209, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[0][1] = playiso(697, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[0][0]();
// tones[0][1]();
// });
// bindkey("equal_sign", "Dial 2", function () {
// tones[1] = [];
// tones[1][0] = playiso(1336, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[1][1] = playiso(697, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[1][0]();
// tones[1][1]();
// });
// bindkey("open_bracket", "Dial 3", function () {
// tones[2] = [];
// tones[2][0] = playiso(1477, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[2][1] = playiso(697, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[2][0]();
// tones[2][1]();
// });
// bindkey("closebracket", "Dial 4", function () {
// tones[3] = [];
// tones[3][0] = playiso(1209, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[3][1] = playiso(770, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[3][0]();
// tones[3][1]();
// });
// bindkey("backslash", "Dial 5", function () {
// tones[4] = [];
// tones[4][0] = playiso(1336, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[4][1] = playiso(770, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[4][0]();
// tones[4][1]();
// });
// bindkey("semi_colon", "Dial 6", function () {
// tones[5] = [];
// tones[5][0] = playiso(1477, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[5][1] = playiso(770, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[5][0]();
// tones[5][1]();
// });
// bindkey("single_quote", "Dial 7", function () {
// tones[6] = [];
// tones[6][0] = playiso(1209, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[6][1] = playiso(852, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[6][0]();
// tones[6][1]();
// });
// bindkey("comma", "Dial 8", function () {
// tones[7] = [];
// tones[7][0] = playiso(1336, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[7][1] = playiso(852, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[7][0]();
// tones[7][1]();
// });
// bindkey("period", "Dial 9", function () {
// tones[8] = [];
// tones[8][0] = playiso(1477, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[8][1] = playiso(852, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[8][0]();
// tones[8][1]();
// });
// bindkey("forward_slash", "Dial 0", function () {
// tones[9] = [];
// tones[9][0] = playiso(1336, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// tones[9][1] = playiso(941, "callback", 0, beepgain, "sine");
// }, function () {
// tones[9][0]();
// tones[9][1]();
// });
var sbinds = [
name: "kidnapped",
verbal: "Kidnapped",
key: "1"
name: "bowl",
verbal: "Bowling Alley",
key: "2"
name: "street",
verbal: "Street",
key: "3"
name: "beach",
verbal: "Beach",
key: "4"
name: "classroom",
verbal: "Classroom",
key: "5"
name: "schcampus",
verbal: "School Campus",
key: "6"
name: "office",
verbal: "Office",
key: "7"
name: "flashback",
verbal: "3 years later",
key: "8"
name: "mur",
verbal: "4 Rounds",
key: "9"
name: "blank",
verbal: "Blank",
key: "0"
sbinds.forEach(function (obj) {
bindkey(obj.key, "slide: " + obj.verbal, function () {
socket.emit("data", {
name: obj.name
// bindkey("BACKSPACE", "Stop All", function () {
bindkey("BACKSPACE", "Stop All", function () {
function playiso(freq, time, detune, gain, type) {
var osc = context.createOscillator();
// var volume = context.createGainNode();
var volume = context.createGain();
volume.gain.value = gain;
osc.type = type;
osc.frequency.value = freq;
osc.detune.value = detune;
// osc.setWaveTable(waveTable);
// osc.connect(audio_context.destination);
if (time == "callback") {
return function () {
else if (time > 0) {
// setTimeout(function() {
osc.stop(context.currentTime + time / 1000);
// }, time);
// playiso(40, 0, 0.4, "sine");
// playiso(40, 0, 0.2, "triangle");
// var win = window.open("/projection", "projection", "width=640,height=480,left=720,top=0");
// window.addEventListener("unload", function () {
// win.close();
// })