# backend-core Beep backend handling core relational information that is not updated often. ## Quickstart ``` cockroach start --insecure echo "create database core;" | cockroach sql --insecure migrate -database cockroach://root@localhost:26257/core?sslmode=disable -source file://migrations goto 1 go build && ./core ``` ## Environment variables Supply environment variables by either exporting them or editing ```.env```. | ENV | Description | Default | | ---- | ----------- | ------- | | LISTEN | Host and port number to listen on | :8080 | | POSTGRES | URL of Postgres | postgresql://root@localhost:26257/core?sslmode=disable | ## API Unless otherwise noted, bodies and responses are with `Content-Type: application/json`. Endpoints marked with a ```*``` require a populated `X-User-Claim` header from `backend-auth`. | Contents | | -------- | | [Create User](#Create-User) | | [Get Users by Phone](#Get-Users-by-Phone) | | [Get User by ID](#Get-User-by-ID) | | [Get User by Username](#Get-User-by-Username) ] | [Update User](#Update-User) | | [Create Conversation](#Create-Conversation) | | [Delete Conversation](#Delete-Conversation) | | [Update Conversation](#Update-Conversation) | | [Get Conversations](#Get-Conversations) | | [Get Conversation](#Get-Conversation) | | [Create Conversation Member](#Create-Conversation-Member) | | [Get Conversation Members](#Get-Conversation-Members) | | [Create Contact](#Create-Contact) | | [Get Contacts](#Get-Contacts) | --- ### Create User ``` POST /user ``` Create a new user. #### Body | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | username | String | Username of the added user. Must be unique. | ✓ | | bio | String | Bio of the added user | ✓ | | profile_pic | String | URL of added user's profile picture | ✓ | | first_name | String | First name of the added user. | ✓ | | last_name | String | Last name of the added user. | ✓ | | phone_number | String | Phone number of the added user. Shouldn't be needed but makes life easier. | X | #### Success Response (200 OK) Created user object. ```json { "id": "", "username": "", "bio": "", "profile_pic: "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "phone_number": "" } ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error parsing submitted body, or fields first_name or last_name have a length of 0. | | 500 | Error occurred inserting entry into database. | --- ### Get Users by Phone ``` GET /user ``` Get user(s) associated with the supplied phone number. #### Querystring | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | phone_number | String | Phone number to be queried. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) List of users. ```json [ { "id": "", "username": "", "bio": "", "profile_pic": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "" }, ... ] ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Supplied phone_number is absent/an invalid phone number. | | 500 | Error occurred retrieving entries from database. | --- ### Get User by ID ``` GET /user/id/:user ``` Get a specific user by ID. #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | user | String | User's ID. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) User object. ```json { "id": "", "username": "", "bio": "", "profile_pic": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "phone_number": "" } ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 404 | User with supplied ID could not be found in database | | 500 | Error occurred retrieving entries from database. | --- ### Get User by Username ``` GET /user/username/:username ``` Get a specific user by username. #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | username | String | User's username. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) User object. ```json { "id": "", "username": "", "bio": "", "profile_pic": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "phone_number": "" } ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 404 | User with supplied username could not be found in database | | 500 | Error occurred retrieving entries from database. | --- ### Update User ``` PATCH /user ``` Update an existing user. User ID is taken from header supplied by `backend-auth`. If one does not wish to update a field, leave it the value acquire from Get-User. #### Body | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | username | String | Updated username. | X | | bio | String | Updated bio. | X | | profile_pic | String | Updated URL of profile picture. | X | | first_name | String | Updated first name. | X | | last_name | String | Updated last name | X | #### Success (200 OK) Empty body. #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error parsing body/User with username already exists. | | 500 | Error occurred updating database. | --- ### Create Conversation* ``` POST /user/conversation ``` Create a new conversation for a user. #### Body | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | title | String | Title of the conversation | X | | dm | Boolean | Whether the conversation is a DM or not | X | | picture | String | URL of the group's picture | X | #### Success Response (200 OK) Conversation object. ```json { "id": "", "title": "", "picture": "<picture>" } ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error occurred parsing the supplied body/Invalid `X-User-Claim` header | | 404 | User with supplied ID could not be found in database. | | 500 | Error occurred inserting entries into the database. | --- ### Delete Conversation* ``` DELETE /user/conversation/:conversation ``` Delete the specified conversation. #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | conversation | String | Conversation's ID. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) Empty body. #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 404 | User/Conversation with supplied ID could not be found in database. | | 500 | Error occurred deleting entries from the database. | --- ### Update Conversation* ``` PATCH /user/conversation/:conversation ``` Update a conversation's details (mainly just title for now). #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | conversation | String | Conversation's ID. | ✓ | #### Body | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | title | String | New title of the conversation. | X | | picture | String | New URL of the group's picture | X | #### Success Response (200 OK) Empty Body. (TODO: Updated conversation) #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error occurred parsing the supplied body/Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 404 | User/Conversation with supplied ID could not be found in database. | | 500 | Error occurred updating entries in the database. | --- ### Get Conversations* ``` GET /user/conversation ``` Get the conversations of the specified user. #### Success Response (200 OK) List of conversations. ```json [ { "id": "<id>", "title": "<title>" "picture": "<picture>", "pinned: "<pinned:bool>" }, ... ] ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 500 | Error occurred updating entries in the database. | --- ### Get Conversation* ``` GET /user/conversation/:conversation ``` Get a specific conversation of a specific user. #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | conversation | String | Conversation's ID. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) Conversation object. ```json { "id": "<id>", "title": "<title>", "picture": "<picture>", "pinned: "<pinned:bool>" } ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 404 | Conversation with supplied ID could not be found in database. | | 500 | Error occurred retrieving entries from the database. | --- ### Pin Conversation ``` POST /user/conversation/:conversation/pin ``` Mark the specified conversation as pinned. #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | conversation | String | Conversation's ID. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) Blank body. #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 404 | Conversation with supplied ID could not be found in database. | | 500 | Error occurred editing entry in the database. | --- ### Create Conversation Member* ``` POST /user/conversation/:conversation/member ``` Add a member to the specified conversation. #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | conversation | String | Conversation's ID. | ✓ | #### Body | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | id | String | ID of the user to be added. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) The conversation ID of the conversation the user is added to. #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error occurred parsing the supplied body/The length of the ID supplied in the body is less than 1/Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 404 | User/Conversation with supplied ID could not be found in database. | | 500 | Error occurred updating entries in the database. | --- ### Get Conversation Members* ``` GET /user/conversation/:conversation/member ``` Get the members of the specified conversation. #### URL Params | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | conversation | String | Conversation's ID. | ✓ | #### Success (200 OK) List of user objects in conversation. ```json [ { "id": "<id>", "username": "<username>", "bio": "<bio>", "profile_pic": "<profile_pic>", "first_name": "<first_name>", "last_name": "<last_name>", "phone_number": "<phone_number>" }, ... ] ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 500 | Error occurred retrieving entries from the database. | --- ### Create Contact* ``` POST /user/contact ``` Add a new contact. #### Body | Name | Type | Description | Required | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | phone_number | String | New contact's phone number. A blank user object will be created if no such ID exists in the database. | ✓ | #### Success Response (200 OK) Empty body #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error occurred parsing the supplied body/The length of the ID supplied in the body is less than 1 or equal to the user's ID/Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 500 | Error occurred updating entries in the database. | --- ### Get Contacts ``` GET /user/contact ``` Get the user's contacts. #### Success (200 OK) List of user objects in user's contacts. ```json [ { "id": "<id>", "username": "<username>", "bio": "<bio>", "profile_pic": "<profile_pic", "first_name": "<first_name>", "last_name": "<last_name>" }, ... ] ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Invalid `X-User-Claim` header. | | 500 | Error occurred retrieving entries from the database. |