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Beep backend records and makes available the last seen times of users.

To run this service securely means to run it behind traefik forwarding auth to backend-auth

Environment variables

Supply environment variables by either exporting them or editing .env.

ENV Description Default
LISTEN Host and port number to listen on :8080
REDIS Host and port of redis :6379

Status Codes

The system supports arbitrary status codes. However, in the interest of standardisation, a system of codes (based on Skype statuses) is listed here:

Code Description
0 Active
1 Away
2 Do not disturb
3 Invisible


Subscribe User

GET /subscribe/:userid/client/:clientid

Subscribe to a user. Every time a user pings this service, the time will be sent to all subscribed users. Upon subscription, if it exists, the last cached ping of the target user will be pushed immediately to the stream.

const es = new EventSource(`${host}/subscribe/${user}/client/${device}`);
es.onmessage = (e) => {
  const timestamp = e.data;
  // Do whatever with the ping data

Ping data:

  "time": "<UTC epoch timestamp>",
  "status": "<status code>"

URL Params

Name Type Description Required
userid String Target user's ID.
clientid String Target user's device's ID.

Success Response (200 OK)

An EventSource stream.

Ping Server

POST /ping

Ping the server.

Required headers

Name Description
X-User-Claim Stringified user claim, populated by backend-auth called by traefik


Name Type Description
status String Status code

Success Response (200 OK)

Empty body.


Code Description
400 Invalid user claims header.