# backend-protobuf Definitions of [protobufs](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers) used in Beep backend. ## Client (client.proto) Defines a user client (user + device). Intended to be populated from auth token and convey the user through the pipeline. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | | key | string | User's ID. (Unique to user) | | client | string | User's device's ID. (Unique to user's device) | --- ## Bite (bite.proto) A chunk of raw data. Doesn't necessarily have to be raw audio, could be text too in the case of ```backend-transcription```. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | | key | string | Bite's key | | client | uint64 | Bite's start time in Unix Epoch | | data | bytes | Bite's raw audio data | | client | Client | Client who submitted the Bite | --- ## Store (store.proto) A request to store a Bite in ```backend-store```. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | | type | string | Type of data to be stored. E.g. ```bite``` or ```transcription``` | | bite | Bite | Bite to be stored | --- ## DataRequest A request to get data from ```backend-store```. See more details in its README. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | | key | string | The target key. | | start | uint64 | The target data's start time in Unix Epoch time | | type | string | The target data's type. E.g. ```bite``` or ```transcription``` | --- ## ScanRequest A request to scan data from ```backend-store```. See more details in its README. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | | key | string | The target key. | | from | uint64 | Time to start scanning from in Unix Epoch time | | to | uint64 | Time to scan to in Unix Epoch Time | | type | string | The target data's type. E.g. ```bite``` or ```transcription``` | --- ## Response A response, roughly follows the basics of a HTTP response (status code and message). Client can be left blank, usually when NATS is Requested from a HTTP request. | Field | Type | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----------- | | code | uint32 | HTTP status code of response | | message | string | Body of response. | | client | Client | Client to respond to. |