# backend-publish Beep backend accepts PUT requests and publishes a protobuf-ed version to a [NATS](htts://nats.io) queue, like some sort of weird HTTP/NATS converter. Also handles authentication of said HTTP requests. Needless to say, relies on a NATS instance being up. **To run this service securely means to run it behind traefik forwarding auth to `backend-auth`** ## Quickstart ``` go build && ./backend-publish ``` ## Environment Variables Supply environment variables by either exporting them or editing ```.env```. | ENV | Description | Default | | ---- | ----------- | ------- | | LISTEN | Host and port number to listen on | :8080 | | NATS | Host and port of nats | nats://localhost:4222 | | SECRET | JWT secret | secret | ## API All requests need to be passed through `traefik` calling `backend-auth` as Forward Authentication. Otherwise, populate `X-User-Claim` with: ```json { "userid": "", "clientid": "