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Beep backend handling WebRTC signalling.
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Beep backend handling WebRTC signaling.



export PORT=1837 # Or whatever port number you like
docker build -t backend-signal . && docker run -it backend-signal

Not hipster (requires node.js):

export PORT=1837 # Or whatever port number you like
npm install
node index.js


Unless otherwise noted, bodies and responses are with Content-Type: application/json.

Subscribe to SSE
Get a user's devices
Post data to a user's device

Subscribe to SSE

GET /subscribe/:user/device/:device

Subscribe a user's device to the signaling service. Recommended usage:

const es = new EventSource(`${host}/subscribe/${user}/device/${device}`);
es.onmessage = (e) => {
  const data = e.data;
  // Do whatever with data

URL Params

Name Type Description Required
user String User's ID.
device String Device's ID. Must be unique to the device. I suggest something based on MAC address.

Success Response (200 OK)

An EventSource stream.

Get a user's devices

GET /user/:user/devices

Get a list of device IDs associated with the specified user. One can then use the IDs to post data to individual devices.

URL Params

Name Type Description Required
user String Target user's ID.

Success Response (200 OK)

List of device IDs. Can be an empty list.

[ <id>, <id2>, ... ]

Post data to a user's device

POST /user/:user/device/:device

Post data to the specified device of the specified user.

URL Params

Name Type Description Required
user String Target user's ID.
device String Target device's ID.


Name Type Description Required
data String Data to be sent.

Success Response (200 OK)

Empty body.


Code Description
400 No data to be sent was supplied.
404 The specified user/device's connection could not be found.