# backend-webrtc Beep backend handling WebRTC Selective Forwarding Units (SFUs). **The security of this service is handled by backend-auth called by traefik.** ## Environment variables Supply environment variables by either exporting them or editing `.env`. | ENV | Description | Default | | --- | ----------- | ------- | | LISTEN | Host and port to listen on | :80 | ## API All endpoints require a populated `X-User-Claim` header from `backend-auth`. | Contents | | -------- | | New Connection | | Join Conversation | --- ### New Connection ``` GET /connect ``` Creates a new WebRTC peer connection with the server. Connection gets upgraded to a websocket through which signalling occurs before it is closed once the peer connection is established. Please supply the token via GET querystring since Websockets do not support Auth headers. #### Example (Javascript) ```js const wsuri = `wss:\/\/localhost:80/connect`; let localSDP = ''; let remoteSDP = ''; const socket = new WebSocket(wsuri); socket.onmessage = (e) => { remoteSDP = e.data; try { pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription({ type: 'answer', sdp: remoteSDP }); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } }; const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [ { urls: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302', }, ], }); pc.onicecandidate = (e) => { if (e.candidate === null) { localSDP = pc.localDescription.sdp; socket.send(localSDP); } }; navigator.mediaDevices .getUserMedia({ audio: true }) .then((stream) => { for (const track of stream.getAudioTracks()) { pc.addTrack(track); } pc.createOffer() .then((d) => { p.setLocalDescription(d); }) .catch((e) => console.error(e)); }) .catch((e) => console.error(e)); pc.ontrack = (event) => { // Do stuff with event.streams }; ``` #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error parsing `X-User-Claims` header | | 500 | Error establishing WebRTC connection | --- ### Join Conversation ``` POST /join/:conversationid ``` Signify a user's intention to join a conversation. #### Params | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | conversationid | String | ID of conversation to be joined | #### Success (200 OK) Empty body #### Errors | Code | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | 400 | Error parsing `X-User-Claims` header |