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2016-11-28 04:31:19 +08:00
library eventsource;
export "src/event.dart";
import "dart:async";
import "dart:convert";
import "package:http/http.dart" as http;
import "package:http/src/utils.dart" show encodingForCharset;
import "package:http_parser/http_parser.dart" show MediaType;
import "src/event.dart";
import "src/decoder.dart";
enum EventSourceReadyState {
class EventSourceSubscriptionException extends Event implements Exception {
int statusCode;
String message;
String get data => "$statusCode: $message";
EventSourceSubscriptionException(this.statusCode, this.message)
: super(event: "error");
/// An EventSource client that exposes a [Stream] of [Event]s.
class EventSource extends Stream<Event> {
// interface attributes
final Uri url;
EventSourceReadyState get readyState => _readyState;
Stream<Event> get onOpen => this.where((e) => e.event == "open");
Stream<Event> get onMessage => this.where((e) => e.event == "message");
Stream<Event> get onError => this.where((e) => e.event == "error");
// internal attributes
StreamController<Event> _streamController =
new StreamController<Event>.broadcast();
EventSourceReadyState _readyState = EventSourceReadyState.CLOSED;
http.Client client;
Duration _retryDelay = const Duration(milliseconds: 3000);
String _lastEventId;
EventSourceDecoder _decoder;
/// Create a new EventSource by connecting to the specified url.
static Future<EventSource> connect(url,
{http.Client client, String lastEventId}) async {
// parameter initialization
url = url is Uri ? url : Uri.parse(url);
client = client ?? new http.Client();
lastEventId = lastEventId ?? "";
EventSource es = new EventSource._internal(url, client, lastEventId);
await es._start();
return es;
EventSource._internal(this.url, this.client, this._lastEventId) {
_decoder = new EventSourceDecoder(retryIndicator: _updateRetryDelay);
// proxy the listen call to the controller's listen call
StreamSubscription<Event> listen(void onData(Event event),
{Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) =>
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
/// Attempt to start a new connection.
Future _start() async {
_readyState = EventSourceReadyState.CONNECTING;
var request = new http.Request("GET", url);
request.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache";
request.headers["Accept"] = "text/event-stream";
if (_lastEventId.isNotEmpty) {
request.headers["Last-Event-ID"] = _lastEventId;
var response = await client.send(request);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
// server returned an error
var bodyBytes = await response.stream.toBytes();
String body = _encodingForHeaders(response.headers).decode(bodyBytes);
throw new EventSourceSubscriptionException(response.statusCode, body);
_readyState = EventSourceReadyState.OPEN;
// start streaming the data
response.stream.transform(_decoder).listen((Event event) {
_lastEventId = event.id;
cancelOnError: true,
onError: _retry,
onDone: () => _readyState = EventSourceReadyState.CLOSED);
/// Retries until a new connection is established. Uses exponential backoff.
Future _retry(dynamic e) async {
2016-11-28 04:31:19 +08:00
_readyState = EventSourceReadyState.CONNECTING;
// try reopening with exponential backoff
Duration backoff = _retryDelay;
while (true) {
await new Future.delayed(backoff);
try {
await _start();
} catch (error) {
backoff *= 2;
void _updateRetryDelay(Duration retry) {
_retryDelay = retry;
/// Returns the encoding to use for a response with the given headers. This
/// defaults to [LATIN1] if the headers don't specify a charset or
/// if that charset is unknown.
Encoding _encodingForHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) =>
/// Returns the [MediaType] object for the given headers's content-type.
/// Defaults to `application/octet-stream`.
MediaType _contentTypeForHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) {
var contentType = headers['content-type'];
if (contentType != null) return new MediaType.parse(contentType);
return new MediaType("application", "octet-stream");