library eventsource.server; export "src/event.dart"; import "dart:async"; import "package:logging/logging.dart" as log; import "src/event.dart"; import "src/event_cache.dart"; import "src/proxy_sink.dart"; /// An EventSource publisher. It can manage different channels of events. /// This class forms the backbone of an EventSource server. To actually serve /// a web server, use this together with [shelf_eventsource] or another server /// implementation. class EventSourcePublisher extends Sink { log.Logger logger; EventCache _cache; /// Create a new EventSource server. /// /// When using a cache, for efficient replaying, it is advisable to use a /// custom Event implementation that overrides the `Event.compareTo` method. /// F.e. if integer events are used, sorting should be done on integers and /// not on the string representations of them. /// If your Event's id properties are not incremental using /// [], set [comparableIds] to false. EventSourcePublisher( {int cacheCapacity: 0, bool comparableIds: false, bool enableLogging: true}) { if (cacheCapacity > 0) { _cache = new EventCache(cacheCapacity: cacheCapacity); } if (enableLogging) { logger = new log.Logger("EventSourceServer"); } } Map> _subsByChannel = {}; /// Creates a Sink for the specified channel. /// The `add` and `remove` methods of this channel are equivalent to the /// respective methods of this class with the specific channel passed along. Sink channel(String channel) => new ProxySink( onAdd: (e) => add(e, channels: [channel]), onClose: () => close(channels: [channel])); /// Add a publication to the specified channels. /// By default, only adds to the default channel. @override void add(Event event, {Iterable channels: const [""]}) { for (String channel in channels) { List subs = _subsByChannel[channel]; if (subs == null) { continue; } _logFiner( "Sending event on channel $channel to ${subs.length} subscribers."); for (var sub in subs) { sub.add(event); } } if (_cache != null) { _cache.add(event, channels); } } /// Close the specified channels. /// All the connections with the subscribers to this channels will be closed. /// By default only closes the default channel. @override void close({Iterable channels: const [""]}) { for (String channel in channels) { List subs = _subsByChannel[channel]; if (subs == null) { continue; } _logInfo("Closing channel $channel with ${subs.length} subscribers."); for (var sub in subs) { sub.close(); } } if (_cache != null) { _cache.clear(channels); } } /// Close all the open channels. void closeAllChannels() => close(channels: _subsByChannel.keys); /// Initialize a new subscription and replay when possible. /// Should not be used by the user directly. void newSubscription( {Function onEvent, Function onClose, String channel, String lastEventId}) { _logFine("New subscriber on channel $channel."); // create a sink for the subscription var sub = new ProxySink(onAdd: onEvent, onClose: onClose); // save the subscription _subsByChannel.putIfAbsent(channel, () => []).add(sub); // replay past events if (_cache != null && lastEventId != null) { scheduleMicrotask(() { _logFine("Replaying events on channel $channel from id $lastEventId."); _cache.replay(sub, lastEventId, channel); }); } } void _logInfo(message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(log.Level.INFO, message); } } void _logFine(message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(log.Level.FINE, message); } } void _logFiner(message) { if (logger != null) { logger.log(log.Level.FINER, message); } } }