library eventsource.src.decoder; import "dart:async"; import "dart:convert"; import "event.dart"; typedef RetryIndicator = void Function(Duration retry); class EventSourceDecoder implements StreamTransformer, Event> { RetryIndicator retryIndicator; EventSourceDecoder({this.retryIndicator}); Stream bind(Stream> stream) { StreamController controller; controller = new StreamController(onListen: () { // the event we are currently building Event currentEvent = new Event(); // the regexes we will use later RegExp lineRegex = new RegExp(r"^([^:]*)(?::)?(?: )?(.*)?$"); RegExp removeEndingNewlineRegex = new RegExp(r"^((?:.|\n)*)\n$"); // This stream will receive chunks of data that is not necessarily a // single event. So we build events on the fly and broadcast the event as // soon as we encounter a double newline, then we start a new one. stream .transform(new Utf8Decoder()) .transform(new LineSplitter()) .listen((String line) { if (line.isEmpty) { // event is done // strip ending newline from data if ( != null) { var match = removeEndingNewlineRegex.firstMatch(; =; } controller.add(currentEvent); currentEvent = new Event(); return; } // match the line prefix and the value using the regex Match match = lineRegex.firstMatch(line); String field =; String value = ?? ""; if (field.isEmpty) { // lines starting with a colon are to be ignored return; } switch (field) { case "event": currentEvent.event = value; break; case "data": = ( ?? "") + value + "\n"; break; case "id": = value; break; case "retry": if (retryIndicator != null) { retryIndicator(new Duration(milliseconds: int.parse(value))); } break; } }); }); return; } StreamTransformer cast () => StreamTransformer.castFrom, Event, RS, RT>(this); }