#!/bin/sh set -e BUILT_APK=app/build/outputs/apk/app-unsigned.apk ALIGNED_APK=app/build/outputs/apk/app-unsigned-aligned.apk SIGNED_APK=app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" TEMP_STORE_FILE="$TEMP_DIR/store.jks" if [ -z "$store_file" ] || [ -z "$store_password" ] || [ -z "$key_alias" ]; then echo "store_file, store_password or key_alias are not configured secrets. Aborting..." exit 1 fi echo echo "Reading store_file from environment" echo $store_file | xxd -ps -r > $TEMP_STORE_FILE # The following file is not required for the following process # but I'm gonna leave it here anyway echo > keystore.properties << EOF storeFile=$TEMP_STORE_FILE storePassword=$store_password keyAlias=$key_alias EOF echo echo "I think you're lazy so we will build a unsigned release APK and then sign it manually," ecoh "rather than using the gradle process." echo echo "Building unsigned release APK" set -x ./gradlew assembleRelease set +x echo echo "Doing zipalign" set -x zipalign -v -p 4 $BUILT_APK $ALIGNED_APK set +x echo echo "Signing" set -x apksigner sign \ --ks $TEMP_STORE_FILE \ --ks-pass pass:$store_password \ --ks-key-alias $key_alias \ --out $SIGNED_APK \ $ALIGNED_APK set +x echo echo "Verifying" set -x apksigner verify $SIGNED_APK set +x echo "Done!"