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2018-03-26 20:23:28 +08:00
// +build windows
package svc
import (
wsvc "golang.org/x/sys/windows/svc"
func setupWinServiceTest(wsf *mockWinServiceFuncs) {
// wsfWrapper allows signalNotify, svcIsInteractive, and svcRun to be set once.
// Inidivual test functions set "wsf" to add behavior.
wsfWrapper := &mockWinServiceFuncs{
signalNotify: func(c chan<- os.Signal, sig ...os.Signal) {
if c == nil {
panic("os/signal: Notify using nil channel")
if wsf.signalNotify != nil {
wsf.signalNotify(c, sig...)
} else {
wsf1 := *wsf
go func() {
for val := range wsf1.sigChan {
for _, registeredSig := range sig {
if val == registeredSig {
c <- val
svcIsInteractive: func() (bool, error) {
return wsf.svcIsInteractive()
svcRun: func(name string, handler wsvc.Handler) error {
return wsf.svcRun(name, handler)
signalNotify = wsfWrapper.signalNotify
svcIsAnInteractiveSession = wsfWrapper.svcIsInteractive
svcRun = wsfWrapper.svcRun
type mockWinServiceFuncs struct {
signalNotify func(chan<- os.Signal, ...os.Signal)
svcIsInteractive func() (bool, error)
sigChan chan os.Signal
svcRun func(string, wsvc.Handler) error
ws *windowsService
executeReturnedBool bool
executeReturnedUInt32 uint32
changes []wsvc.Status
func setWindowsServiceFuncs(isInteractive bool, onRunningSendCmd *wsvc.Cmd) (*mockWinServiceFuncs, chan<- wsvc.ChangeRequest) {
changeRequestChan := make(chan wsvc.ChangeRequest, 4)
changesChan := make(chan wsvc.Status)
done := make(chan struct{})
var wsf *mockWinServiceFuncs
wsf = &mockWinServiceFuncs{
sigChan: make(chan os.Signal),
svcIsInteractive: func() (bool, error) {
return isInteractive, nil
svcRun: func(name string, handler wsvc.Handler) error {
wsf.ws = handler.(*windowsService)
wsf.executeReturnedBool, wsf.executeReturnedUInt32 = handler.Execute(nil, changeRequestChan, changesChan)
done <- struct{}{}
return nil
var currentState wsvc.State
go func() {
for {
select {
case change := <-changesChan:
wsf.changes = append(wsf.changes, change)
currentState = change.State
if change.State == wsvc.Running && onRunningSendCmd != nil {
changeRequestChan <- wsvc.ChangeRequest{
Cmd: *onRunningSendCmd,
CurrentStatus: wsvc.Status{State: currentState},
case <-done:
break loop
return wsf, changeRequestChan
func TestWinService_RunWindowsService_NonInteractive(t *testing.T) {
for _, svcCmd := range []wsvc.Cmd{wsvc.Stop, wsvc.Shutdown} {
testRunWindowsServiceNonInteractive(t, svcCmd)
func testRunWindowsServiceNonInteractive(t *testing.T, svcCmd wsvc.Cmd) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(false, &svcCmd)
// act
if err := Run(prg); err != nil {
// assert
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, 1, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 3, len(changes))
test.Equal(t, wsvc.StartPending, changes[0].State)
test.Equal(t, wsvc.Running, changes[1].State)
test.Equal(t, wsvc.StopPending, changes[2].State)
test.Equal(t, false, wsf.executeReturnedBool)
test.Equal(t, uint32(0), wsf.executeReturnedUInt32)
test.Nil(t, wsf.ws.getError())
func TestRunWindowsServiceNonInteractive_StartError(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
prg.start = func() error {
return errors.New("start error")
svcStop := wsvc.Stop
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(false, &svcStop)
// act
err := Run(prg)
// assert
test.Equal(t, "start error", err.Error())
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, 1, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, len(changes))
test.Equal(t, wsvc.StartPending, changes[0].State)
test.Equal(t, true, wsf.executeReturnedBool)
test.Equal(t, uint32(1), wsf.executeReturnedUInt32)
test.Equal(t, "start error", wsf.ws.getError().Error())
func TestRunWindowsServiceInteractive_StartError(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
prg.start = func() error {
return errors.New("start error")
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(true, nil)
// act
err := Run(prg)
// assert
test.Equal(t, "start error", err.Error())
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, 1, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, len(changes))
func TestRunWindowsService_BeforeStartError(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
prg.init = func(Environment) error {
return errors.New("before start error")
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(false, nil)
// act
err := Run(prg)
// assert
test.Equal(t, "before start error", err.Error())
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, 0, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, len(changes))
func TestRunWindowsService_IsAnInteractiveSessionError(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(false, nil)
wsf.svcIsInteractive = func() (bool, error) {
return false, errors.New("IsAnInteractiveSession error")
// act
err := Run(prg)
// assert
test.Equal(t, "IsAnInteractiveSession error", err.Error())
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, 0, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, len(changes))
func TestRunWindowsServiceNonInteractive_RunError(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
svcStop := wsvc.Stop
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(false, &svcStop)
wsf.svcRun = func(name string, handler wsvc.Handler) error {
wsf.ws = handler.(*windowsService)
return errors.New("wsvc.Run error")
// act
err := Run(prg)
// assert
test.Equal(t, "wsvc.Run error", err.Error())
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, 0, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, len(changes))
test.Nil(t, wsf.ws.getError())
func TestRunWindowsServiceNonInteractive_Interrogate(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
wsf, changeRequest := setWindowsServiceFuncs(false, nil)
time.AfterFunc(50*time.Millisecond, func() {
// ignored, PausePending won't be in changes slice
// make sure we don't panic/err on unexpected values
changeRequest <- wsvc.ChangeRequest{
Cmd: wsvc.Pause,
CurrentStatus: wsvc.Status{State: wsvc.PausePending},
time.AfterFunc(100*time.Millisecond, func() {
// handled, Paused will be in changes slice
changeRequest <- wsvc.ChangeRequest{
Cmd: wsvc.Interrogate,
CurrentStatus: wsvc.Status{State: wsvc.Paused},
time.AfterFunc(200*time.Millisecond, func() {
// handled, but CurrentStatus overridden with StopPending;
// ContinuePending won't be in changes slice
changeRequest <- wsvc.ChangeRequest{
Cmd: wsvc.Stop,
CurrentStatus: wsvc.Status{State: wsvc.ContinuePending},
// act
if err := Run(prg); err != nil {
// assert
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, 1, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 4, len(changes))
test.Equal(t, wsvc.StartPending, changes[0].State)
test.Equal(t, wsvc.Running, changes[1].State)
test.Equal(t, wsvc.Paused, changes[2].State)
test.Equal(t, wsvc.StopPending, changes[3].State)
test.Equal(t, false, wsf.executeReturnedBool)
test.Equal(t, uint32(0), wsf.executeReturnedUInt32)
test.Nil(t, wsf.ws.getError())
func TestRunWindowsServiceInteractive_StopError(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
prg.stop = func() error {
return errors.New("stop error")
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(true, nil)
go func() {
wsf.sigChan <- os.Interrupt
// act
err := Run(prg)
// assert
test.Equal(t, "stop error", err.Error())
test.Equal(t, 1, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, len(wsf.changes))
func TestRunWindowsServiceNonInteractive_StopError(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
prg.stop = func() error {
return errors.New("stop error")
shutdownCmd := wsvc.Shutdown
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(false, &shutdownCmd)
// act
err := Run(prg)
// assert
changes := wsf.changes
test.Equal(t, "stop error", err.Error())
test.Equal(t, 1, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 3, len(changes))
test.Equal(t, wsvc.StartPending, changes[0].State)
test.Equal(t, wsvc.Running, changes[1].State)
test.Equal(t, wsvc.StopPending, changes[2].State)
test.Equal(t, true, wsf.executeReturnedBool)
test.Equal(t, uint32(2), wsf.executeReturnedUInt32)
test.Equal(t, "stop error", wsf.ws.getError().Error())
func TestDefaultSignalHandling(t *testing.T) {
signals := []os.Signal{syscall.SIGINT} // default signal handled
for _, signal := range signals {
testSignalNotify(t, signal)
func TestUserDefinedSignalHandling(t *testing.T) {
signals := []os.Signal{syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP}
for _, signal := range signals {
testSignalNotify(t, signal, signals...)
func testSignalNotify(t *testing.T, signal os.Signal, sig ...os.Signal) {
// arrange
var startCalled, stopCalled, initCalled int
prg := makeProgram(&startCalled, &stopCalled, &initCalled)
wsf, _ := setWindowsServiceFuncs(true, nil)
go func() {
wsf.sigChan <- signal
// act
if err := Run(prg, sig...); err != nil {
// assert
test.Equal(t, 1, startCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, stopCalled)
test.Equal(t, 1, initCalled)
test.Equal(t, 0, len(wsf.changes))