Fork 0

36 lines
972 B

# Timeout in seconds to keep a connection alive.
keep_alive_timeout = 15
# Set to true to not print any debugging messages. (Only effective in
# release builds.)
quiet = false
# Set SO_REUSEPORT=1 in the master socket.
reuse_port = false
# Value of "Expires" header. Default is 1 month and 1 week.
expires = 1M 1w
# Number of I/O threads. Default (0) is number of online CPUs.
threads = 0
# Disable HAProxy's PROXY protocol by default. Only enable if needed.
proxy_protocol = false
# Enable straitjacket by default. The `drop_capabilities` option is `true`
# by default. Other options may require more privileges.
straitjacket {
drop_capabilities = false
listener *:8080 {
serve_files / {
path = /srv
# When requesting for file.ext, look for a smaller/newer file.ext.gz,
# and serve that instead if `Accept-Encoding: gzip` is in the
# request headers.
serve precompressed files = true