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# Undefined
A self-hosted music streaming service, with a client written in JavaFX for a graded CS project.
Oh and here's the [report](REPORT.md).
## Features
* Host your music on you own [server](https://github.com/ambrosechua/Undefined-server). (incomplete)
* Stream via HTTP from anywhere around the world. (done)
* Albums, Artists, Songs. (done)
* Easy to use nw.js server interface. (incomplete)
## Obvious Bugs
* Can't autoplay next track. (An issue with Java's `MediaPlayer` being unable to trigger onEndOfMedia or the final duration)
* Glitches when seeking beyond buffer.
* Can't return to list of artists or albums when one is chosen.
* Occasional lagspikes probably due to JVM GC.
* Extremely confusing behaviour when stopped playing.
* `MediaPlayer` provides inaccurate lengths. (Causes problems when seeking)
* High memory usage.
## Future features (Probably not goint to be implemented anytime soon in the next millennium)
* Fix syncing
* Offline playback
* Improved UX
* Playlisting
## Screenshots
## Usage
### Get server
#### Option 1: Devs
1. Get [node.js](http://nodejs.org)
2. `git clone https://github.com/ambrosechua/Undefined-server.git`
3. `cd Undefined-server`
4. `npm install`
5. `npm start`
6. Dump music according to structure in Wiki.
#### Option 2: Users
[Download](https://github.com/ambrosechua/Undefined-server/releases) the nw.js application, unzip it, run it.
### Get client
Download a prepackaged jar in [releases](https://github.com/ambrosechua/Undefined/releases). Run and enjoy!
Someday I'll put this back under WTFPL.