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A (beta) design-oriented, simple YouTube client.

Code and design MIT Licensed.

youpp-splash-screenshot youpp-adv


Do this in order to run

Check out the file Youpp.app/Contents/Resources/app.nw/apikey-sample.js, dump in your YouTube API key and rename to apikey.js.


All the fun happens in Youpp.app/Contents/Resources/app.nw/. All powered by node-webkit!

How to use.

Well, I just dumped the .app folder here because I left the node-webkit.

Developing or running on a Mac

Just clone this and you will find the app sitting in the folder without the need to compile anything.

Problem is, node-webkit updates will have to be replaced on your own. Download it. Just keep the Resources and Info.plist files in the Youpp.app folder.

Packaging for Windows

  1. Run build.bat
  2. Enjoy your new build in the /release folder
  3. share your build.

Packaging for Linux

If you use Linux, you don't need help from this Linux newbie.