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# wireguard-negotiator
A not-very-secure manual WireGuard negotiator
## Purpose
`wireguard-negotiator` is built for scenarios where a simple mechanism to exchange and manually accept WireGuard keys is needed. This makes it slightly easier to provision a group of Linux WireGuard peers that peer with a "server".
In summary:
* Manage "client" keys
* Exchange keys over HTTP(S)
* Exchange IP addressing
* Manually gate new peers
* Sets up network interface on the "client"
* Generate Ansible INI inventory
The primary scenario this tool is going to be used for is to manage machines using Ansible within an unknown LAN behind NAT. I am planning to use it for FOSSASIA Summit 2020.
## Limitations
* Linux-only
* Manages existing config files only
* Removing peers is a manual process
# Usage
# Operation
## Server
The "server" manages a WireGuard interface, ~~treating a WireGuard configuration file as a database~~ (TODO). It assumes this interface and configuration exists. It only adds new peers to the configuration file and interface, and does not delete existing configuration.
The "server" also exposes the HTTP server with the following endpoints:
### `POST /request`
Request for the assignment of an IP address and accepted as a peer. This blocks until the server has finished configuring the peer, therefore the client SHOULD NOT timeout.
#### Request Body
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
| Name | Description | Required |
| PublicKey | The public key of the "client" peer | X |
#### Response Body
Content-Type: application/json
| Name | Type | Description |
| PublicKey | String | Base64 encoded public key of the "server" peer |
| Endpoint | String | The endpoint of the "server" peer |
| PersistentKeepaliveInterval | Number | Suggests a PersistentKeepaliveInterval |
| AllowedIPs | []String | List of allowed IP addresses in CIDR notation |
| InterfaceIPs | []String | List of IP addresses assigned to the "client" interface |
## Client
The "client" sets up a WireGuard interface, and relies on network backends to do so. *It should not be run more than once*. The following network backends are supported:
- (Not implemented) `none`: Creates an interface and WireGuard configuration file
- `networkd`: Creates a `systemd.netdev` file in `/etc/systemd/network`
It does so by performing `POST /request` to the "server".