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# backend-login
Beep backend handling login. Call `/init` and then `/verify` in sequence. `/login` is legacy to provide an easy source of tokens for testing, and will be removed someday™.
## Environment variables
Supply environment variables by either exporting them or editing ```.env```.
| ENV | Description | Default |
| ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| LISTEN | Host and port number to listen on | :8080 |
| SECRET | JWT secret | secret |
## API
### Init Auth
POST /init
Kick off SMS verification process.
#### Body
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| phone_number | String | Verifying phone number in format `<country code><8 digits>`. |
#### Success (200 OK)
A nonce, to be used for `/verify` to add additional entropy.
#### Errors
| Code | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| 400 | Error parsing body/phone_number is not a valid phone number |
| 500 | Error generating nonce/Making request to Twilio SMS |
### Verify Code
POST /verify
Second half of the verification process, verifying the code and returning a JWT. If the user does not exist in the database, a blank one is created.
#### Body
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| code | String | Verification code received by SMS. |
| nonce | String | Nonce returned by `/init`. |
| clientid | String | ID unique to device, e.g. MAC Address |
#### Success (200 OK)
JWT token.
"userid": "<userid>",
"clientid": "<clientid>"
#### Errors
| Code | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| 400 | Error parsing body |
| 404 | Code with nonce supplied was not found |
| 500 | Error retrieving record from Redis/querying postgres/creating user ID/generating token |
### Create Token (temporary)
POST /login
Just a simple little endpoint to get a valid token without having to jump through the (expensive) hoops of SMS Authentication.
#### Body
| Name | Type | Description | Required |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | -------- |
| userid | String | User's ID. | ✓ |
| clientid | String | Device's ID. Must be unique to the device. I suggest something based on MAC address. | ✓ |
#### Success (200 OK)
JWT token.
#### Errors
| Code | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| 400 | Required fields in body were not supplied |
| 500 | Error creating the JWT |